Sunday, July 26, 2009

Progress Report

Sorry I havn't managed to do anything in the way of posting for quite a while. I'll see if I can do better.

The weight came off quite rapidly I finally took of about 75 lbs using the combination of cleanses from Isagenix and and watching my intake when I wasn't cleasing.

A number of people at work noticed the change in me and wanted to know exactly what I was doing to get the results I was getting. Nine of them started with Isagenix.

Most of them stayed with the program for between two and three months. They all got results. Some better some worse. Eventually all dropped off the program citing the expense or the inconvenience or both. These were fair comments. It does cost money. It does require that you modify your existing eating patterns and take responsibility for what you put in your mouth.

I guess a lot of people didn't have the resolve I had. Perhaps they didn't have the incentives (health issues) that I had either.

I've kept off about 60 of the 75 lbs I initially took off. I'm hanging in at around 236 to 240 lbs. When the weight creeps up I do a cleanse and drop several pounds.

It may not work for every one but it seems to work for me. It drives my wife a bit crazy as she has developed a bit of a weight problem but refuses to give this a try.
She keeps trying all kinds of ways to cut back on what she eats but she still bounces around fighting back and forth with the same 5 lbs.

I'm feeling good and enjoying life. I think I'm going to do another cleans this week. As a matter of fact. I'll start it today!

See you again soon.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How I beat my weight problem

Well this is the first post to the new blog! Let's see here.... The name of the blog is : FixYourHealth which should be somewhat self explanatory. I kind of fixed most of my health issues over the last eight months or so.

I had something of a weight problem. I was 6'2" tall, 298 Lbs and 57 years old. I'd been in reasonably good shape earlier in life but over the years let it all slip. Along with the weight came high blood pressure, high sugars, high cholesterol arthritic problems and all the general negative health effects that go along with being heavier that you ought to be.

I decided to finally get off my ass and do something about the weight in March 2008. My aim was primarily to get off the medications I had to take and loosing weight was my means to achieve my goal. I was on the maximum dose of my BP meds and still reading a lot higher that I wanted. My sugars were still high despite a prescription of 3 "sugar pills" per day.

My doctor is a great guy who listens to what you have to say and a really good physician as well. His suggestion, however, was additional meds for both these problems. I was not interested in more meds when what I was aiming for was eliminating or at least reducing my dependence on the local pharmacy.

I noticed that one of the ladies at work had lost a fair bit of weight recently so I cornered her and asked her how she did it She gave me a copy of a "soup diet" that she had used to drop about 30 lbs. in about 4 months. It looked reasonable and I thought it would be a good starting point so I decided to give it a try.

I kept on this religiously for about 3 months. I lost about 28 Lbs myself during the three months. I was happy about the loss of weight but I felt awful! I was dragging my behind in to work every day and had no energy reserves at all. My arthritic symptoms began to play up and my joints hurt. I was a pretty crabby guy.

I went to an alternative health practitioner to see what might found out about treatments other than drugs for my problems. She was of the opinion that I was probably "toxic" and that I was carrying around a bunch of accumulated residue that a cleansing might take care of.

My Chiropractor took me aside and told me that the only way I was going to reduce the problems I was having with my low back was to get rid of the big gut I was carrying around. He suggested that I try the Isagenix cleanse to help get rid of the toxicity and reduce the weight and ease the strain on my back.

This advice covered two of the problems I was having, so, I checked it out on the Internet. I really couldn't find anyone with anything bad to say about the Isagenix program. There were some comments on the marketing system the company used but, again, nothing really negative.

I enrolled with the company and ordered a nine day cleanse. The enrolment procedure was a little convoluted but I figured it out. (It's gotten a lot easier since)

Two days later the box turned up at my door. There was two bottles of the cleansing drink, a bottle of "Accelerator capsules" a bottle of chocolate snacks and a container of chocolate shakes. These came along with a packet of something called "Want More Energy, a welcome booklet and a measuring tape.

The booklet was very detailed in describing exactly how to aproach the program for the best results. It actually lasts 11 days not 9 days. First you do two days of preparation.

I had a shake in the morning and one at night for supper. I took one accelerator capsule in the morning and I took another to work with me and had it after lunch. For lunch I'd have a salad or soup and a sandwich totaling about 500 calories. Usually I stay pretty light on carbs when I eat but that's just me. I also followed the recommendation of drinking 8 bottles of water each day.

You make a number of trips to the washroom when you drink that much water.

More later